
Two Reasons Your Carpet Needs Professional Cleaning

Haven’t had your carpets cleaned in a few years? It’s time.  Here are two reasons to move that to the top of your to-do list:

1. Professional cleaning prolongs the life of your carpet. Dirt and grime are abrasive and wear carpet fibers down over time. Removing the dirt with hot steam and a high powered extractor will push the expense and inconvenience of replacing carpet waaaay into the future. Plus, you get to enjoy living with carpet that’s clean, which brings us to the second reason you should not delay:

2. Your carpet is DIRTY. Not just a little dirty – it’s disgusting. Carpet is a giant filter in your home, so it traps dust, pollen, dead skin cells, pet dander, bacteria, and viruses that can stay alive for weeks. Leaving all those germs in your carpet is not only gross, it’s unhealthy. 

Let Spencer Zarkou at Pure Spring give your carpet the deep clean it needs. We use steam hot enough to kill germs and a gentle solution that is safe for your kids and pets. 

Like a pure spring in the mountains of Idaho, your carpet was meant to be clean. Give it some love from Pure Spring.